The University owns numerous trademarks including the Columbia University wordmark, the shield and the crown, and logos used primarily by Athletics such as the Lion and stylized C, among others. The foregoing is not a complete list of the registered trademarks or other intellectual property owned by the University, and the absence of a name, logo, etc. from this list does not constitute a waiver of any intellectual property rights that the University has established in any of its trademarks.
Authorized Use: The University's agent, Exemplar Associates, manages the process of licensing of Columbia University vendors. Upon becoming licensed by Exemplar Associates, a vendor has full access to the University's marks. Vendors interested in becoming a Columbia licensee should contact Exemplar Associates for more information.
Reporting Unauthorized Use: The University’s Licensing Office works with Exemplar Associates and others to identify unauthorized uses of Columbia’s name and marks, and carefully reviews all reports of possible infringement. Please contact the Licensing Office at [email protected] to report any concerns about possible unauthorized uses of the Columbia name or trademarks.