
Members of the Columbia University Facilities and Operations team work with a wide variety of vendors covering construction, maintenance and other industries, including general contractors, single trade contractors, as well as technical and creative consultants. The team also works closely with Columbia University Construction Facilities Sourcing, who help to identify sourcing opportunities and strategies that meet our operational and financial goals.

Prospective and current vendors

Please become familiar with four key resources, instructions and policies, including the following: 

Become a Vendor

The basics on how to start working with Columbia University Facilities and Operations

Expectations and Requirements

What a vendor needs to know about working at Columbia

Key Resources for Existing Vendors

Explore the main resources available to current vendors

Quick Links

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How to submit an invoice (PDF)

Instructions on how to submit an invoice to Facilities and Operations

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Check on an existing invoice

Inquire by using the email link above or call 212-854-6679.

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Insurance requirements

Review insurance requirements and send certificate of insurance (see sample) to [email protected].

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Explore policies

University policies applicable to vendors, from safety to ethics and more

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Consult the design requirements

For design professionals and contractors


April 10, 2023

Facilities and Operations Supports New Cohort for Pre-Apprenticeship Program to Prepare Diverse and Local Job Seekers for Union Careers in Construction

Columbia University Facilities and Operations has partnered with the New York City Small Business Services (SBS) to support the launch of a new cohort for Pathways to Apprenticeship’s (P2A) Direct Entry Building Trades Pre-Apprenticeship, a workforce development program that provides New York City residents from socially and economically disadvantaged communities a pathway toward a stable job with benefits in the construction industry.