Become a Vendor

Requirements and Expectations
Since its founding in 1754, the University has been committed to creating and maintaining facilities that are of the highest quality and value. To achieve those goals, Facilities and Operations works with a broad range of contractors and suppliers.
How the Process Begins
The process for becoming an approved vendor is led by Facilities and Operations and Columbia University Construction Procurement and Purchasing.
Prospective vendors should make an initial inquiry with the University. For construction, operations, and maintenance projects (see full list in sidebar), email [email protected]. For all other areas, visit Columbia's Purchasing Department to see a full list of contacts.
University Review
University officials will review information on each prospective vendor and will notify the applicant if there is a need for the type of service the vendor provides.
Is your business owned by a minority, woman, or local resident?
If a firm is selected to proceed as a qualified vendor with the University, the procurement team for supplier information with Facilities and Operations will send a series of requests for additional information, such as a W9, financial history, references, contact information, and more.
Upon approval by both the University Facilities Sourcing and Facilities and Operations, a vendor will be issued a vendor ID number that should be kept on file. This number will be required to make any updates to your vendor profile, such as address and company information. Once approved and issued a vendor ID, a vendor can now transact business with Columbia University. Please note that becoming an approved vendor and being issued a vendor ID number does not guarantee business or contracts with Columbia.
Competitive Bidding
For most scopes of work, Facilities and Operations will initiate a competitive procurement process. They will then provide a Request for Proposal or Quotation to select vendors for their response. Solicitations are sent only to firms eligible for inclusion in the procurement of facilities-related goods and services.