To the Columbia Community:
We are pleased to provide you with the recently published Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for 2013. The Report can be viewed online at:
Printed copies are available at the Public Safety offices on both the Morningside and Medical Center campuses. The report will also be distributed to departments across the University.
This report includes important information about crime prevention programs, fire safety procedures and other resources critical to the safety and security of our campus community.
In accordance with the Campus Security Act, the report also contains campus crime statistics, as well as residence hall fire data, for the last three calendar years.
If you have any questions about the information contained in this report, or if you would like to receive additional copies of the report, please contact Mr. John Gerrish, Director of Administration and Planning for Public Safety.
He can be reached at 212-854-2075. His e-mail address is [email protected].
Best Wishes for a safe and successful academic year.