Reopening of Studebaker Building 131st Lobby Marks Completion of 131st Street Utilities Project at Manhattanville Campus
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Slide 1: The lobby refresh included new lighting, painting, wainscoting of walls, and a new Public Safety desk.
Slide 2: Turnstiles were installed at the lobby entrance, similar to what is in place at other Columbia buildings in Manhattanville.
Slide 3: The first floor will now serve as the building's main entrance and entry will no longer be available at West 132nd Street.
The Studebaker Building’s original lobby and West 131st Street will be reopening Monday, November 11, marking the completion of the site utilities project for the Manhattanville campus.
The Studebaker lobby at West 131st Street was refreshed with new lighting, painting, wainscoting of walls, as well as a new security desk and turnstiles, similar to what is in place at other Columbia buildings in Manhattanville. The lobby will once again serve as the building’s main entrance, with entry no longer available at West 132nd Street.
The utilities project – part of the broad Manhattanville campus development – included the installation of new sanitary, storm, and gas lines; electrical conduit for IT and street lighting; new curbs, sidewalks, streetlights; waterproofing, and connections from the Studebaker Building to the new utilities.
With the completion of the utilities project, West 131st Street has reopened for one-way traffic going west from Broadway towards 12th Avenue, with sidewalk access on the north side of the street. The street will remain one-way with the south sidewalk closed until completion of the new Columbia Business School in early 2022.
Columbia Transportation has updated stops on four shuttle bus routes (Manhattanville Loop, Intercampus Shuttle, Lamont-Doherty Shuttle, and Public Safety Evening Shuttle) in anticipation of these openings. An updated timetable for the Manhattanville Loop and details for all shuttle bus stop and schedule changes can be found on the Columbia Transportation website.